Let Them Eat Cake

#30DaysofThankful with #TheGirlWithPurpleHair

Day 6: I am grateful for life’s indulgences

You can’t get too caught up in what you can’t eat, should or shouldn’t do, or that one cocktail. While moderation is key; balance to life is essential too. I believe that sometimes we self-impose rigid boundaries and a set of parameters so stringent that in the end it ultimately sets us up for failure. Personally, I have been guilty of obsessing and immersing myself in work, a cause, a fitness trend, or even meal plan. It wasn’t until a year ago when I discovered a lifestyle that allowed me to thrive and that was eating paleo aka “The Caveman’s Diet” or in layman’s terms: Dairy free, gluten free, grain free, soy free, and sugar free. Initially though, I was completely swept up in the whole thing and I totally get how culty our causes can become. I am proud to report that my husband and I still eat predominately paleo but have made some changes like incorporating some grains and, are you ready for this? TREATS (on occasion!). This balance in my life has come in the form of my husband, as he helps me ease up on myself and sometimes that means eating tasty treats.

So tonight while working on our respected laptops and sipping some red wine, we noshed on cake. And you know what? It was delicious.unnamed-2

Let go just a little. Don’t be afraid to experience life by making it a point to infuse a little balance. I do believe that balance is what they call living. Live a little and have a piece of cake.