Generation Cry Baby: Why Millennials Are a F**king Joke

Finally, someone could articulate what I have been thinking and combat on a daily basis in my classroom. My students call me ‘mean’ because when they don’t do their work I fail them. My students call me ‘mean’ because I don’t allow them to make excuses about how hard their lives are. And finally, my students call me ‘mean’ because I demand excellence of them, assign work, AND check it!
To quote Rachel’s article “TEACHERS ARE AFRAID TO DO THEIR FREAKING JOBS BECAUSE YOU’RE SO DAMN DELICATE?!” is spot on. Furthermore, teachers are terrified of administration confronting them on their high failure rates and fear backlash from parents. Well, last I checked teachers, you are college educated and credentialed (certified). Own your space and stand behind the coursework you offer. Yes, 4/5 of my classes have failing averages. And you know why? Because in my class no one is special just for showing up. Please, like you grace me with your presence?! You need to be worthy of the grades you earn!
Better yet, you are special when you do your work and strive for greatness. Do your work, stop making excuses and blaming other people for your shortcomings because someone like me AKA “The Mean Teacher” sure as heck isn’t going to pass you.