Clarity amidst the Chaos

Day 5: Friday, June 13, 2014:

Friday the 13th.

Full Moon.

Mercury in Retrograde.

I am on a cleanse. 

Basically, we are screwed and it’s the end of the universe. Yeah, yeah. You feel off and you are afraid to admit it, but now you can fully surrender to it knowing it isn’t just you. It is OK to feel a little off right now. BUT what is SO exciting about all this is the new moon signifies a fresh start and opportunity to set intentions free so that they may gestate and manifest. FREE YOURSELF and find yourself!

I am feeling so alive and full of clarity that I am rejuvenated. This cleanse is certainly starting to really kick in. Oddly enough, the morning after the cleanse was a little rocky. I was awake at 5:15am to teach a 6:15am cycle class and struggled to sleep the night before. It was really unusual to lay in bed at 11pm and feel energy surging through my body! I haven’t felt this alive in years. Despite my lack of sleep, I felt strong and powerful during my wee morning hour class and came home to read up on the effects of the cleanse days.

My research turned up some information affirming that others also cited feeling so invigorated that they too couldn’t sleep. Phew! It’s always good to have validation to your crazy (totally kidding here). Additionally, despite the cleanse day I wasn’t starving when I awoke. I expected to run for my shake in the morning foaming at the mouth, but nope. I felt calm, rested, and ready to ride! As a matter of fact, preparing to do damage control, I brought a bunch of snacks to the gym and didn’t eat one of them–even after my class. I was satisfied, sweaty, and happy.

I opted to skip Crossfit after my ride to let my body recover as I still had two more classes to teach, one of which would be pretty taxing as it’s a cardio vinyasa yoga class.

Dinner was a fabulous mish-mosh of mess as I like to create for myself: brown rice, eggs, tomatoes, spinach, avocado, and chicken with some olive oil. Greg ate the same thing minus the rice with 2 corn tortillas instead. Eating whole foods again with the shakes is filling my belly and it kind of feels like it’s sharpening my mind. Does that make sense? All of these super foods are awakening my physical and mental self in ways unimaginable. I can’t wait to see how I feel in 30 days!