I am Grateful for Coffee

#30DaysofThankful with #TheGirlWithPurpleHair

Day 2: I am grateful for coffee 

Every morning, the first thing I do before even going to the bathroom is turn on my Keurig coffee maker. I make precisely one large cup of coffee with 1 teaspoon of coconut sugar and almond milk. This simple pleasure is one that brings me great joy. Each and every morning, like clockwork, I indulge in the same flavor of organic all natural coffee with no artificial flavors and it never gets old. In particular, my favorite part of my morning ritual is the stillness and utter silence before the madness of children running through my doors, the loud music of my fitness classes, and the chaos of sweat in my workouts. Clutching my coffee, I browse my social media, read emails, and often write for my blog.

coffee cup from cleaIn addition for being grateful for coffee today, I am so honored that one of my 10th graders brought me coffee this morning. Clea stopped by my classroom while on the way to 1st period to bring me a dairy free, naturally flavored caffeinated beverage that she made at the coffee shop where she works. Humbled by the gesture, Clea inspired my thanks today [and reminded me that in spite of today’s youth and their shortcomings, there is hope].

Happiness doesn’t need to be lavish or complicated. And though our routines sometimes can get stale, try to find the pleasure in what we do and why we do it.

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  • Comment on my blog with your gratitude for all of us to read and share in
  • Post your gratitude on your social media outlets, using #TheGirlWithPurpleHair and #30daysofThankful.