Everyday is a Clean Slate

I came across this amazing video via Facebook and it hit me so deeply, I had to write about it. The video was of a chalkboard placed in New York City for one single day with the title “Write Your Biggest Regret.” What made this whole thing so interesting was not what people said about things that they had done, but rather those they did not do. Adults of all walks of life scrawled across the wall their sadness in not chasing their dreams, passions, hopes, and wishes. People wrote and shared that they allowed others to talk them into “playing it safe” or a “plan B”. This video, which can be seen here, is so much more of a lesson than we even realize.

Our time here on this earth is just too damn short. We hustle and grind, and hustle and grind, then glance up from our desks and sigh “someday…

“Someday when I am thinner…”

“Someday when I have the money…”

“Someday when I have the time…”

“Someday I’ll take that vacation…”


whiteyboard_chalkboard_grandeWell, I have news for you: Someday doesn’t exist. There are seven days in a week, and Someday isn’t one of them.

I have to ask, how did we get here? How did we allow that child-like sense of wonder die? When did we stop living and condemn ourselves to living lives we didn’t love? Now, more than ever it is the time to stop hoping for that someday. Someday will never arrive and you mustn’t let your passions, loves, and biggest dreams fizzle out.

Everyday is a new opportunity to erase your story on that chalkboard, and write a new one. Gaze at that blank slate with enthusiasm and awe. Confidently dare to begin again and let your heart be the guide.

What is the legacy you will leave behind? Start rewriting your story.