When Old is New


#30DaysofThankful with #TheGirlWithPurpleHair

Day 8: I am grateful for Rediscovering Hidden Goodies in my Closet

Everyday I open my closet doors and stare into the abyss remarking to myself that I hate my clothes and have nothing to wear. It’s no secret that my wardrobe is stale and in some serious need of updating but as I have evolved over the years, I find myself spending less and less money on ‘real people’ clothes and more money on leggings, sports bras, and fitness class. My, how I have evolved. So every day when I try to get dressed for work, or when I am faced with the daunting task of going out, the same song and dance ensues:

  • I stare blankly into the oblivion that is my closet
  • I touch a few items, pondering if I should donate them and attempt to recall when I last wore said item/s
  • Uninspired, I close the doors and lay on the bed in my undergarments complaining to my husband that I have no clothes and we don’t have the money so I can shop


[On Sunday] after our soccer game we had a quick turn around before errands and a movie, so there was no time for my usual tantrum. I stepped into my underwear and my favorite grey jeans. Clothed in my black bra and pants, I gazed blankly into my closet and opened and closed the doors a few times before remembering this cute shirt I love but never wear…After shuffling about in some drawers I located the shirt. Awesome, now if I only had footwearCan’t I just wear flip flops? Ugh, no it’s too cold for that…And that’s when they caught my eye.

My combat boots.

I reached into my closet and grabbed boots. I found my thick socks [since the boots aren’t really my size but they were the last pair and I HAD to have them], maneuvered them under my pants, and slipped into my boots. I stepped back from the mirror and to my utter amazement and complete shock; I actually liked my outfit. I walked out of the bedroom to show my husband and I think I talked a good 15 minutes about my combat boots: That I probably hadn’t worn them in 2 years and I couldn’t even be sure if they were still considered cool. Finally, my husband reassured me that they were indeed still cool, but one could never be sure.

unnamedBut my renewed faith in my wardrobe and sense of style has little to do with my combat boots, so much as how I feel while wearing them. I’m glad they caught my eye and we’ve rekindled our love affair. There’s no greater feeling than when something old feels brand new and you fall in love with it all over again.