My Year in Review: An Honest Look Back Part II

Day 10: Wednesday, June 18, 2014: My Year in Review: An Honest Look Back Part II

15. Dinner in Weho at Hugo’s on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 with Greg. This is the first time I see Greg semi-serious as he tells me he’ll wait for me to make the right choice (as in picking him to date) and that I am worth it. Apparently older men (he’s only 35 people) know what they want and actually put in some work to court you–I could get used to this. Regardless, I tell him he’ll be waiting forever because I’m dating someone else, we work together, AND I am his boss.

14. Equinox Woodland Hills 9am Saturday, November 23, 2013 post Greg’s cycle class: Greg kisses me. I am tingly and gooey and exploding all at the same time. Confused and conflicted, I get into my car to call someone. I called my sister, no answer. I called my best friend, no answer. I had to call someone, I needed to confer with someone—anyone about what just happened! Finally, I call my mother. I fill her in on the past week of my life looking for some motherly advice and solace. Finally, I ask my mother what I should do. Her reply, “I think you should stop kissing so many boys.” Yeah, thanks mom. That was really helpful.

13. Ultimately, that kiss was the kiss to end all kisses. Our romance blossomed quickly and Greg and I became a couple. Initially, we had to keep our relationship under wraps at the cycling studio but it was a matter of time before we both wanted to live our relationship out loud and share it with others—so we did. We launched our full assault of our love and life on our social media for all of the world to see (you know you love it).

12. Our first New Year’s Eve together! It’s simple, fun, and filled with possibility. Our dumb drunk friend pulled some embarrassing stunts including wandering off and putting herself to sleep in the host’s bed!

NYE 2013

NYE 2013

11. At only two months into our fledgling romance, in mid-January Greg and I venture home to New York for a long weekend. My family warmly receives Greg and I get to meet some of his college friends. Home visit = SUCCESS!

10. One Down Dog, my yoga studio moves into our very own and brand new space on Sunset and Fountain.

Some of my fellow ODD family, fellow instructors, and the best people I know. Yes, yogi's do drink people.

Some of my fellow ODD family, fellow instructors, and the best people I know. Yes, yogi’s do drink (in moderation of course).

09. The cycling studio opens in late January—early February. Saying that we encountered minor hiccups would be an understatement. Despite being a music themed and oriented studio/cycling experience we open with our sound barely functioning and our mic system non-existent. The music isn’t loud enough, instructors are shouting over the music on the mic to be heard, the facility is not fully functional, and zero marketing was done by the owner to alert the world of our opening. Classes are nearly empty and instructor morale tanks. Even I’m having a hard time rallying myself to teach my 6 cycling classes a week to 5 people in a 45-bike room.

08. For marketing purposes, the cycling studio offers a free ride to the public in exchange for their consent to film it. Nick Lachey and Sean Stockman are among the riders in the class. One of the highlights of my year was being able to have my work as a fitness instructor validated and preserved on film. That very evening, 2 weeks before I am to be issued my healthcare, my boss and owner of the cycling studio informs me that she can no longer afford to pay me my salary.

07. The next day, I apply for teaching jobs with LAUSD and I am called for an interview at Helen Bernstein High School. I am hired on the spot to teach English to juniors and seniors in Hollywood.

06. Ultimately, shortly after returning to the classroom I stop teaching at the cycling studio that I helped create and build.

I sure learned a valuable lesson about helping someone else start their own business: Don’t do it.

05. In late March 2014, I move again. This time I am moving into Greg’s apartment, which is also in Studio City.

04. Buti yoga training: African Tribal dance, yoga, and plyometrics. Insanely hard and ridiculously out of my comfort zone but exhilarating and a wild personal victory since I am a terrible dancer—not anymorrrrrreeee!

03. My sister Kassi comes to visit in May and while she is here my 16-year-old 1998 Honda Accord dies. We spend her last day in town buying me a 2014 Honda Civic.

Augustin and his gf Andrea with me at graduation. These two young people are such beautiful souls. I will miss them terribly.

Augustin and his gf Andrea with me at graduation. These two young people are such beautiful souls. I will miss them terribly.

02. My incredible students graduate from high school on Friday, June 6, 2014. I take so many pictures that my lips quiver from smiling. I sob like a baby in my car leaving graduation. This is my very first high school graduation that I have attended in my 10 years as an educator. But what also made this so special was that these were my students. I taught them. I guided them. I pushed them to read, write, think, and learn. I have never been more proud in my entire life. These kids stole a piece of my heart and with my heart my time too—as now I am the Assistant Girls Soccer Coach.

01. It is now June 18, 2014 and now I am 32 years old. The last and most important thing I have done this year is listen to my essential self, advocate for myself, and allow the love I deserve to pour into my life.

Sometimes we need to be blinded to be taught how to really see. I firmly believe that one must walk in darkness in order to appreciate how to bask in the sunlight.

I don’t regret anything I have done, the people I loved (or thought I loved), the different jobs, or leaving teaching in the first place. Each and every experience led me to this very moment with the very best people someone could ever ask for. My past merely dictated my present but I created my future. Now, as I move into my 32nd year of life I do so with grace and a strong man by my side that makes me think I can fly. And you know what? I can fly. Because as I look back at my year and ahead to the future, I choose to measure my life in love.

From Darkness into Light, from Darkness into Light…