Overcome the 3 Barriers to Implementing Change in Your Life

As much as we talk about change, wish for it, want it, and lust for it–when it actually comes down to taking those pivotal steps to create that colossal change we seem to just fall short. Why does that happen?

  • Work: While we say we are willing to hustle and make sacrifices, in actuality I think we mean this only when it serves us, and serves us sooner than later. We have become so accustomed to having instant gratification that when something takes months of consistent effort, we lose steam. I mean, you are only human. I get it. But know this, where there is conviction, there is no sacrifice. Looking at work as a tedious chore makes it just that, a tedious chore. But what about re-reouting the way you look at said work? What about embracing it as every single piece of work is a stepping stone to something larger? Every single task an investment, a deposit into your greater goal. Ahhhhh, now that “work” doesn’t seem so bad, does it?
  • The Naysayers: So you are a big dreamer and people scoff at you, and…? Why are you allowing the opinions of others to govern and dictate your life? Having dreams is what makes life tolerable. You mustn’t allow others to pollute your vision. Believing in yourself is always the first step towards getting others to believe in you. I say this a lot to people, specifically when coaching my high schoolers before class presentation: Fake it ’til you make it. If you doubt yourself, which we all inevitably do, pretend with every fiber of your being that you are confident. After a while there’s a major shift and this forged self-confidence becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and boom! You have just cultivated your own confidence!
  • Fear of Failure: What if I go after something and it doesn’t work out? What if I realize I made a mistake? What if? What if? What if? Well, what if you just accept things as they are and never try? As far as I am concerned, that’s the real failure. Failure equates to growth. You must try things that scare you, tantalize you, and stretch you to your greatest lengths to find out just how darn capable you really are! Failing means you tried and that is commendable; now take those lessons and channel them into your work and try again.

FullSizeRenderYour take aways: Do not shy away from hard work, even when it seems like it’s not paying off. Be patient. Hard work, dedication, and commitment ALWAYS prevail. Screw the haters. Don’t let people tear you down. Dream effing HUGE and never stop believing in your own power. And finally, embrace your failures as learning experiences. Do not allow the fear of failing or something not working out to govern your ability to get outside of your comfort zone. You only get one life to live, so why be boring? Live boldly and unapologetically.